Advances in quantifying space-use and habitat-selection of animals. Workshop conducted with with Johannes Signer (University of Goettingen), Steffi Muff (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), and Brian Smith (Utah State) at the 2022 International Statistical Ecology Meeting in Cape Town, South Africa.
Advances in Habitat-Selection Modeling: Models, Methods, and Software for Quantifying Among-Individual Variation in Movement and Habitat Selection Using Fine-Scale Telemetry Data. Workshop conducted with Johannes Signer (University of Goettingen), Tal Avgar (Utah State), and Brian Smith (Utah State) at the annual meeting of The Wildlife Society in Reno Nevada., October 2019.
Track annotation, visualization and analysis using Movebank and R, NSF-funded workshop using Movebank and the Env-DATA Track Annotation Service to analyze animal tracking data. Co-taught with Johannes Signer (University of Goettingen), Gil Borher (OSU), Roland Kays (NCSU), Scottish Center for Ecology, Glasgow UK, May 2019.
Track annotation, visualization and analysis using Movebank and R, NSF-funded workshop, using Movebank and the Env-DATA Track Annotation Service to analyze animal tracking data. Co-taught with Gil Borher (OSU), Roland Kays (NCSU), North Carolina State University, May 2018.
Track annotation, visualization & analysis using Movebank and R, North Carolina State University, May 2017. NSF funded workshop on using Movebank and the Env-DATA Track Annotation Service to analyze animal tracking data. Co-taught with Gil Borher (OSU), Roland Kays (NCSU), Krishna Pacifici (NCSU), Sarah Davidson (OSU, MPIO), Marielle van Toor (Linnaeus University).
R code, lecture slides, videos of lectures, etc from the 2018 Movebank workshop can be accessed here:
Animal Movement Ecology, University of Zurich, 2013, 2015, 2017. Explores a diverse range of topics related to animal movement and spatial ecology, including methods for exploring movement paths, estimating home ranges, and building habitat selection models. Includes both theoretical/conceptual lectures and practical sessions using the R programming language. Co-taught with several others.
Developing a Workflow to Maximize Reproducibility and Research Impact: Managing Data, Computer Code, and Projects for Success, The Wildlife Society, Sept. 2017, and MN Dept. of Natural Resources Biometrics Unit (summer 2017). This workshop introduces participants to tools and techniques for creating reproducible research. Through interactive tutorials, we share tips and resources for creating a workflow that eases the management, analysis and dissemination of your research. Co-taught with Althea ArchMiller, Concordia College.
Wildlife Applications of Bayesian Survival Analysis Using WinBugs, The Wildlife Society Conference Oct. 2010. Most of the course material was developed by Dennis Heisey (I helped teach the workshop with Dennis, Christine Bunck, and Robin Russell). The goal of the workshop was to teach participants how the Bayesian software program WinBUGS couldbe used for flexible and powerful modelling and estimation of survival and other event rates. The workshop included both theoretical and applied components, with example analyses conducted using real data.
Basics of the R Programming Language, The Wildlife Society Conference, Oct. 2015. This workshop was based on material developed by Dan Walsh and Robin Russell, USGS, and co-taught with both of them, Ryan Nielson (West Inc) and Beth Ross.