
Books and Monographs

Fieberg, John R. (2024). Statistics for Ecologists: A Frequentist and Bayesian Treatment of Modern Regression Models. University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing. Retrieved from the University of Minnesota Digital Conservancy,

Matthiopoulos, J., J. Fieberg, and G. Aarts. 2023. Species-Habitat Associations: Spatial data, predictive models, and ecological insights, 2nd Edition. University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing. Retrieved from the University of Minnesota Digital Conservancy,

Morris, W., D. Doak, M. Groom, P. Kareiva, J. Fieberg, L. Gerber, P. Murphy, and D. Thomson.  1999.  A practical handbook for population viability analysis.  The Nature Conservancy, 80 pp. 

Book Chapters

Horne, J.S., J. Fieberg, L. Börger, J. L. Rachlow, J. M. Calabrese, and C. H. Fleming.  2019. Animal Home Ranges: Concepts, Uses, and Estimation. Pages 315-332 in Population Ecology: Underused, Misused, and Abused Methods. D. Murray and B. Sandercock Eds. Wiley, New York, NY.

Book reviews

Fieberg, J.  2004.  Population viability analysis (book review).  Journal of Biogeography 31:515.

Editorials and Popular Articles

Chatterjee, N., A. Kolzsch, S. C. Davidson, G. Bohrer, and J. Fieberg. Tracking Predators by Algorithm: A computerized workflow helps biologists identify killsites. 2023.  Wildlife Professional 17:48-51. 

Johnson, D. H. Anderson, C. Applegate, R.D., Bailey, L. Cooch, E., Fieberg, J., Franklin, A.B., Gutierrez, R.J., Miller, K.V., Nichols, J.D., Niemuth, N.D., Otis, D., Ribic, C. A., Rowland, M.M., and T. L. Shaffer. 2021. A perspective on the journal of wildlife management. Journal of Wildlife Management.

Peer-Reviewed Publications

  1. Iannarilli F, B. Gerber, J Erb, JR Fieberg.  2025. A “How-to” Guide for Estimating Animal Diel Activity Using Hierarchical Models. Journal of Animal Ecology 94:182-194.
  2. Devarajan, K., Fidino, M., Farris, Z., Global Animal Diel Activity Consortium (including Fieberg, J.), Gerber, B. 2025.  When the Wild Things Are: Defining Mammalian Diel Activity and Plasticity. Science Advances
  3. Wolfson, D., Knapik, R.T., Thomas, A.B., Harms, T.M., Kearns, L.J., Kiss, B.W., Poole, T.F., Fowler, D.N., Finger, T.A., Matteson, S.W., Moriarty, J.J., Mayo, T., Smith, M., Herwig, C. M., Andersen, D. E., and J. R. Fieberg. In press. High variability of migration strategies in a re-established Trumpeter Swan population. Ornithology.
  4. Kim, D., P. R. Thompson, D. Wolfson, J. Merkle, L. G. R. Oliveira-Santos, J. D. Forester, T. Avgar, M. A. Lewis, and J. Fieberg. 2024. Identifying signals of memory from observations of animal movements. Movement Ecology 12:72.
  5. Gould, E., Fraser, H.S., Parker, T.H., Nakagawa, S., Griffith, S.C., Vesk, P.A., Fidler, F....Fieberg, J., ...Iannarilli, F.,... Kim, D., ...Velez, J...., Wolfson, D. In Press. Same data, different analysts: variation in effect sizes due to analytical decisions in ecology and evolutionary biology. BMC Biology.
  6. Vélez J, McShea W, Pukazhenthi B, Rodríguez JD, Suárez MF, Torres JM, Barrera C, Fieberg J. 2024. Cattle exclusion increases encounters of wild herbivores in Neotropical forests. Journal of Applied Ecology 61:2444-2454. 
  7. Jimenez, L., Fieberg, J., McCartney, M., and Ferguson, J. A. 2024. A framework for modeling the impacts of adaptive search intensity on the efficiency of abundance surveys. Ecology 105:e4396.
  8. Klappstein, N., Michelot, T., Fieberg, J., Pedersen, E., Field, C., & Flemming, J. M. 2024. Step selection functions with non-linear and random effects. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 15:1332-1346.
  9. Fieberg, J., Signer, J., and Freeman, S. 2024. Evaluating goodness-of-fit of animal movement models using lineups. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 15(6), 1048-1059
  10. Hofmann, D. D., Cozzi, G., and Fieberg, J. 2024. Methods for Implementing Integrated Step-Selection Functions with Incomplete Data. Movement Ecology, 12(1)37.
  11. Chatterjee, N., Wolfson, D., Jim, D., Velez, J., Freeman, S., Bacheler, N.M., Shertzer, K., Taylor, J.C. and Fieberg, J., 2024. Modeling individual variability in habitat selection and movement using integrated step-selection analyses. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 15(6) 1034-1047.
  12. Bajcz, A., Glisson, W., Larkin, D., Dosser, J., & Fieberg, J. 2024. A within-lake occupancy model for starry stonewort, a stealthy aquatic invader, to support early detection and monitoring. Scientific Reports 14:2644.
  13. Signer, J., Fieberg, J., Reineking, B., Schlaegel, U., Smith, B. J., Balkenhol, N., & Avgar, T. 2024. Simulating animal space use from fitted integrated Step-Selection Functions (iSSF). Methods in Ecology and Evolution 15:43-50.
  14. Michelot, T., Klappstein, N.J., Potts, J., and J. Fieberg. 2024. Understanding step selection analysis through numerical integration. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 15:24-35.
  15. Vélez, J., McShea, W., Pukazhenthi, B., and J. Fieberg. 2024. Implications of the scale of detection for inferring co-occurrenc patterns from paired camera traps and acoustic recorders. Conservation Biology 8(3) E14218..
  16. Gable, T. , Johnson-Bice, S. M., Homkes, A.T., J. Fieberg, and J.K. Bump. 2023. Wolves alter the trajectory of forests by shaping the central-place foraging behaviour of an ecosystem engineer. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 290 (2010), 20231377 .
  17. Ferguson, J. M., Jimenez, L., Keyes, A. A., Hilding, A., McCartney, M. A., St. Clair, K., Johnson, D. and J. Fieberg. 2023. A comparison of survey method efficiency for estimating densities of Zebra Mussels (Dreissena polymorpha). PeerJ.
  18. Vélez, J., McShea, W., Shamon, H., Castiblanco‐Camacho, P. J., Tabak, M. A., Chalmers, C., P. Fergus, and J. Fieberg. 2023. An evaluation of platforms for processing camera‐trap data using artificial intelligence. Methods in Ecology and Evolution14(2), 459-477.
  19. Wolfson, David W., David E. Andersen, and John R. Fieberg. 2022. Using Piecewise Regression to Identify Biological Phenomena in Biotelemetry Datasets. Journal of Animal Ecology 91(9), 1755-1769
  20. Hodel, F. and J. Fieberg. 2022. Circular-Linear Copulae for Animal Movement Data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 13(5):1001-1013.
  21. Severud, W. J., D. W. Wolfson, J. Fieberg, and D. E. Andersen.  2022. Sandhill crane colt survival in MinnesotaJournal of Fish and Wildlife Management 13 (2), 494-501.
  22. Buck, R., J. Fieberg, and D. Larkin. 2022.  The Use of Weighted Averages of Hedges’ d in Meta-analysis: Is it Worth It? Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 13(5):1093-1105.
  23. Banet, N., J. Fieberg, and P.W. Sorensen. 2022. Migration, homing, and spatial ecology of common carp in interconnected lakes. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 31:164-176.
  24. Northrup, J. E. Vander Wal, M Bonar, J. Fieberg, M Laforge, M Leclerc, C. Propenko, and B. Gerber. 2022. Conceptual and methodological advances in habitat-selection modeling: guidelines for ecology and evolution. Ecological Applications, 32, e02470.
  25. Supp, S. R., G. Bohrer, J. Fieberg, F. A. La Sorte. 2021. Estimating the movements of terrestrial animal populations using broad-scale occurrence data. Movement Ecology 9:1-19.
  26. Fieberg, J., J. Signer, B. Smith, and T. Avgar. 2021. A “how-to” guide for interpreting parameters in resource-selection and step-selection analysesJournal of Animal Ecology 90 (5), 1027-1043.
  27. Signer, J. and J. Fieberg. 2021. A fresh look at an old concept: Home-range estimation in a tidy world. Peer J.  
  28. Vitense, K., M. A. Hanson, B. R. Herwig, K. D. Zimmer, and J. Fieberg. 2021. Predicting transitions between clear and turbid alternative stable states in shallow lakes.  Journal of Applied Ecology 58 (5), 1069-1078.
  29. Iannarilli F, TW Arnold, J Erb, JR Fieberg. 2021. Evaluating species-specific responses to camera-trap survey designs. Wildlife Biology. 2021(1).  
  30. Aarts,G., E. Mul, J. Fieberg, S. Brasseur, J. van Gils, J. Matthiopoulos, and L. Riotte-Lambert. 2021. Spatial segregation among colonies without knowing the whereabouts of your neighbours.  American Naturalist 198:E37-E52.
  31. Fieberg, J., Vitense, K. and D. H. Johnson. 2020.  Resampling-based methods for Biologists. PeerJ 8e9089
  32. Jornburom, J, S. Duangchantrasiri, S. Jinamoy, A. Pattanavibool, J. E. Hines, T.W Arnold, J. Fieberg, and J. L.D. Smith. 2020. Habitat use by tiger prey in Thailand’s Western Forest Complex: what will it take to fill a half-full tiger landscape? Journal for Nature Conservation 58, 125896.
  33. ArchMiller, A, Nolan J, Johnson A, Edwards M, Elliot L, Ferguson J, Iannarilli F, Velez J, Vitense K, Johnson D, Fieberg J. 2020. Computational reproducibility in The Wildlife Society’s flagship journals. The Journal of Wildlife Management 84:1012-1017.
  34. Matthiopoulos, J., Fieberg, J. Aarts, G., Barraquand, F. and B. E. Kendall. 2020. Within reach? Habitat availability as a function of individual mobility and spatial structuring. American Naturalist 195:1009-1026.
  35. Berg, S., J. D. Erb, V. T. Spaid, P. C. Coy, B. Sampson, J. R. Fieberg, T. W. Arnold, and J. D. Forester.  2020. The role of nearby large-diameter cavity trees in the selection of den sites by female fishers in northern Minnesota.  Canadian Journal of Forest Research 50:742-750.
  36. Wolfson, D., J. Fieberg, and D.E. Andersen. 2020. Juvenile Sandhill Cranes Exhibit Wider Ranging and More Exploratory Movements Than Adults During the Breeding Season. IBIS 162:556-562.
  37. Iannarilli, F., T. Arnold, J. Erb, and J. Fieberg. 2019. Using lorelograms to measure and model correlation in binary data: Applications to ecological studies. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10:2153–2162.
  38. Ferguson, J. M., McCartney, M. A., Blinick, N. S., Schroeder, L. and J. Fieberg. I2019.  Estimating densities of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) in early invasions using distance sampling.  Freshwater Science.
  39. Muff, S., Signer, J. and J. Fieberg. 2019. Accounting for individual-specific variation in habitat-selection studies: Efficient estimation of mixed-effects models using Bayesian or frequentist computation. Journal of Animal Ecology 89(1), 80-92..
  40. Severud, W. J., Obermoller, T.R., DelGiudice, G. D., and J. Fieberg. 2019. Survival and Cause-specific Mortality of Calves in Northeastern Minnesota’s Declining Moose Population. Journal of Wildlife Management 83(5):1131–1142.
  41. Vitense, K., M. A. Hanson, B. R. Herwig, K. D. Zimmer, and J. Fieberg. 2019. Predicting total phosphorus levels as indicators for shallow lake management. Ecological Indicators 96:278-287.
  42. Larkin, D., R. Buck, J. Fieberg, S. Galatowitsch. 2019. Revisiting the benefits of active approaches for restoring damaged ecosystems.  Proceedings of the Royal Society Series B 286:20182928.
  43. Duangchatrasiri, S., Jornburom, P., Jinamoy, S., Pattanvibool, A., Hines, J. E., Arnold, T.W.,  Fieberg, J., and J. D. Smith. 2019. Impact of Prey Occupancy and Other Ecological and Anthropogenic Factors on Tiger Distribution in Thailand’s Western Forest Complex. Ecology and Evolution 9:2449-2458.
  44. Signer, J., J. Fieberg, and T. Avgar. 2019. Animal movement tools (amt): R package for managing tracking data and conducting habitat selection analyses. Ecology and Evolution 9:880-890. 
  45. Ditmer, M.A.,K.V. Noyce, J.R. Fieberg, and D.L. Garshelis. 2018. Delineating the ecological and geographic edge of an opportunist: The American black bear exploiting an agricultural landscape. Ecological Modeling 387:205-219.
  46. Ditmer, M.A., J.R. Fieberg, R.A. Moen, S.K. Windels, S.P. Stapleton, and T.R. Harris. 2018.  Moose movement rates are altered by wolf presence in two ecosystems.  Ecology and Evolution 8:9017-9033.
  47. Herberg, A.M., V. St-Louis, M. Carstensen, J. Fieberg, D. Thompson, J.A. Crouse, and J. D. Forester. 2018. Calibration of a Rumen Bolus to Measure Continuous Internal Body Temperature in Moose. Wildlife Society Bulletin 42:328-337.
  48. Martin, H. W., L. D. Mech, J. Fieberg, M. Metz, D. MacNulty, D. Stahler, D. W. Smith. 2018. Factors affecting elk (Cervus elaphus) encounter rate by gray wolves (Canis lupus) in Yellowstone National Park..Canadian Journal of Zoology 96:1032-1042.
  49. ArchMiller, A.A.,. R. Dorazio, K. St. Clair, and J. Fieberg. 2018. Time series sightability modeling of animal populations.PLoS ONE 13(1): e0190706.
  50. Vitense, K., M.A. Hanson, B.R. Herwig, K. D. Zimmer, and J. Fieberg. 2018. Uncovering state-dependent relationships in shallow lakes using Bayesian latent variable regression.  Ecological Applications 28 (2), 309-322 .
  51. Shertzer, K.W., N.M. Bacheler, G.T. Kellison, J. Fieberg, and R.K. Wiggers. 2018. Release mortality of endangered Warsaw grouper Hyporthodus nigritus: A state-space model applied to capture-recapture data from a shallow site off the Atlantic coast of Florida.  Endangered Species Research 35, 15-22.
  52. Mech, L. D., J. Fieberg, and S. Barber-Meyer. 2018. An historical overview and update of wolf-moose interactions in Northeastern Minnesota. Wildlife Society Bulletin 42 (1), 40-47.
  53. Ditmer, M., S. Rettler, J. Fieberg, P. Iaizzo, T. Laske, K. Noyce, adn D. L. Garshelis.  2018.  American black bears perceive the risks of crossing roads.  Behavioral Ecology 29 (3), 667-675.
  54. Palmer, M. S., J. Fieberg, A. Swanson, M. Kosmala, and C. Packer. 2017. A “dynamic” landscape of fear: Prey responses to spatiotemporal variations in predation risk across the lunar cycle. Ecology Letters 20 (11), 1364-1373.
  55. Scotson L, Fredriksson G, Ngoprasert D, Wong WM, Fieberg J. 2017. Projecting range-wide sun bear population trends using tree cover and camera-trap bycatch data. PLOS ONE 12(9): e0185336.
  56. Fieberg, J., J.D. Forester, G.M. Street, D.H. Johnson, A.A. ArchMiller, and J. Matthiopoulos. 2017.  Used-habitat calibration plots: A new procedure for validating species distribution, resource selection, and step-selection models. Ecography 40:001-015. doi: 10.1111/ecog.03123.
  57. Wolfson, D., J. Fieberg, J. Lawrence, T. Cooper, D.E. Andersen.  2017.  Range Overlap between Mid-Continent and Eastern Sandhill Cranes revealed by GPS-tracking. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 41(3):489-498. DOI: 10.1002/wsb.799.
  58. Scotson, L., Johnston, L. R., Iannarilli, F., Wearn, O. , Mohd-Azlan, J., Wong, W.M.,  Gray, T.N.E, Dinata, Y., Suzuki, A., Willard, C.E., Frechette, J., Loken, B., Steinmetz, R., Moßbrucker, A. M., Fieberg, J. 2017. Best practices and software for the management and sharing of camera trap data for small and large scale studies, Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.
  59. Signer, J., J. Fieberg, and T. Avgar.  2017. Estimating utilization distributions from fitted step-selection functions. Ecosphere 8(4):e01771. 
  60. Berg, S., J. Erb, J. Fieberg, J. Forester. 2017.  Comparing the Utility of Varying Amounts of Radio-Telemetry Data for Improving Statistical Population Reconstruction of American Marten in Northern Minnesota. Journal of Wildlife Management 81:535-544.  
  61. Shertzer, K., J. Fieberg, J. Potts, and M. Burton. 2017. Identifying growth morphs from mixtures of size-at-age data.  Fisheries Research 185:83-89.  
  62. ArchMiller, A., J. Fieberg, J.D. Walker, and N.F. Holm.  2017.  Group peer assessment for summative evaluation in a graduate-level statistics course for ecologists.  Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education 42:1208-1220.
  63. Street, G., J. Fieberg, A.R. Rodgers, M. Carstensen, R. Moen, S.A. Moore, S.K. Windels, and J.D. Forester.  2016. Habitat functional response mitigates reduced foraging opportunity: implications for animal fitness and space use. Landscape Ecology 31:1939-1953
  64. Shertzer, K.W., Bacheler, N.M., Coggins, L.G. Jr., and J. Fieberg. 2016. Relating trap capture to abundance: A hierarchical state-space model applied to black sea bass (Centropristis striata).  ICES Journal of Marine Science 73:512-519.
  65. Ditmer, M.A., Garshelis, D.L., Noyce, K.V., Haveles, A.W., and J. R. Fieberg. 2016. Are American black bears in an agricultural landscape being sustained by crops?  Journal of Mammalogy 97:54-67.
  66. Thompson, S.J., Arnold, T.W., Fieberg, J., Granfors, D.A., Vacek, S., and N. Palaia.  2015. Grassland birds demonstrate delayed response to large-scale tree-removal in central North America. Journal of Applied Ecology 53:284-294.
  67. Ditmer, M.A., Vincent, J.B., Werden, L.K., Tanner3, J.C.,  Laske, T.G., Iaizzo, P.A., Garshelis, D.L., and J. R. Fieberg.  2015. Bears show a physiological but limited behavioral response to unmanned aerial vehicles.  Current Biology 25:2278-2283.
  68. Signer, J., Balkenhol, N. Ditmer, M. and J. Fieberg. 2015.  Does estimator choice influence our ability to detect changes in home range size?  Animal Biotelemetry 3(1), 1-9.
  69. Fieberg, J., K. Jenkins, S. McCorquodale, C. G. Rice, G. White, K. White.  2015. Do Capture and Survey Methods Influence Whether Marked Animals are Representative of Unmarked Animals?  Wildlife Society Bulletin 39:713-720.
  70. Fieberg, J. and D. H. Johnson. 2015. MMI:  Multimodel inference, or models with management implications?  Journal of Wildlife Management 79(5):708-718
  71. Matthiopoulos, J., J. Fieberg, G. Aarts, H. Beyer, J. Morales, and D. Haydon. 2015. Establishing the link between habitat-selection and population dynamics.  Ecological Monographs 85(3):413-436.
  72. Ditmer, M.A.,  D.L. Garshelis, K.V. Noyce, T.G. Laske, P.A. Iaizzo, T.E. Burk, J.D. Forester, and J.R. Fieberg. 2015. Behavioral and physiological responses of American black bears to landscape features within an agricultural region.  Ecosphere 6 (3), art28.
  73. Mech, D. and J. Fieberg. 2015. Growth Rates and Variances of Unexploited Wolf Populations in Dynamic Equilibria. Wildlife Society Bulletin 39: 41–48. doi: 10.1002/wsb.511.
  74. Mech, D. L. and J. Fieberg. 2014. Re-evaluating the Northeastern Minnesota Moose Decline and the Role of Wolves. Journal of Wildlife Management 78 (7), 1143-1150.
  75. Fieberg, J. and  Conn, P. 2014.  A hidden Markov model to identify and adjust for selection bias: An example involving mixed  migration strategies. Ecology and Evolution4(10):1903-1912.  
  76. Roy, C. L., J. Fieberg, C. Scharenbroich, and C. M. Herwig.  2014.  Thinking like a duck:  fall lake use and movement patterns of juvenile ring-necked ducks before migration. PLoS One 9 (2), e88597.
  77. Rave, D. P., M. C. Zicus, J. R. Fieberg, L. Savoy, K. Regan.  2014.  Trends in eggshell thickness and mercury in Common Goldeneye and Hooded Merganser eggs.  Wildlife Society Bulletin 38(1):9–13.
  78. Aarts, G, J. Fieberg, S. Brasseur, and J. Matthiopoulos.  2013.  Quantifying the effect of habitat availability on species distributions.  Journal of Animal Ecology 82:1135-1145.
  79. Rave, D. P., J. Fieberg, and K. Kotts.  2013.  Comparison of a fall biomass harvest to a spring prescribed burn in restored native grass fields.  Wildlife Society Bulletin 37:564-570.
  80. Fieberg, J., M. Alexander, S. Tse, and K. St. Clair.  2013.  Abundance estimation with sightability data: a Bayesian data augmentation approach.  Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4:854–864.
  81. DelGiudice, G. D., J. R. Fieberg, and B. A. Sampson.  2013.  A long-term assessment of the variability in winter use of dense conifer cover by female white-tailed deer.  PLoS ONE 8(6): e65368. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0065368.
  82. Fieberg, J. and M. Ditmer.  2012.  Understanding the causes and consequences of animal movement: a cautionary note on fitting and interpreting regression models with time-dependent covariates.  Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3:983-991.
  83. Fieberg, J.  2012.  Estimating Population Abundance Using Sightability Models: R SightabilityModel Package. Journal of Statistical Software 51:1-20.
  84. Jenkins, K. J., Happe, P.J., Beirne, K.F, Hoffman, R.A., Griffin, P.C., Baccus, W. T., and J. Fieberg.  2012.   Recent population trends in mountain goats in the Olympic mountains.  Northwest Science 86:264-275.
  85. Hanson, M., B. R. Herwig, K. D. Zimmer, J. Fieberg, S. R. Vaughn, R. G. Wright, and, J. A. Younk.  2012.  Comparing Effects of Lake- and Watershed-Scale Influences on Communities of Aquatic Invertebrates in Shallow Lakes. PlosONE 7(9): e44644. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0044644.
  86. Fieberg, J. R. and M.S. Lenarz.  2012.  Comparing stratification schemes for aerial moose surveys.  Alces 48:79-87.
  87. Fieberg, J. and L. Börger.  2012.  Could you please phrase home range as a question?  Journal of Mammalogy 93:890-902.
  88. Aarts, G., J. Fieberg, and J. Matthiopoulos.  2012.  Comparative interpretation of count, presence-absence and point methods for species distribution models.  Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3:177-187.
  89. Giudice, J., J. Fieberg, and M. Lenarz.  2012.  Spending degrees of freedom in a poor economy:  a case study of building a sightability model for Moose in northeastern Minnesota.  Journal of Wildlife Management 76:75-87.
  90. Cornicelli, L., D. C. Fulton, M. D. Grund, and J. Fieberg.  2011.  Hunter perceptions and acceptance of alternative deer management regulations.  Wildlife Society Bulletin35:323-329.
  91. Aing, C., S. Halls, K. Oken, R. Dobrow, and J. Fieberg.  2011.  A Bayesian hierarchical occupancy model for track surveys conducted in a series of linear, spatially correlated sites.  Journal of Applied Ecology 48:1058-1517.
  92. Matthiopoulos, J., M. Hebblewhite, G. Aarts, and J. Fieberg.  2011.  Generalized functional responses for species distributions.  Ecology 92:583-589.
  93. Fieberg, J. and G. D. DelGiudice.  2011.  Estimating age-specific hazards from wildlife telemetry data.  Journal of Environmental and Ecological Statistics 18:209–222. DOI 10.1007/s10651-009-0128-x
  94. Friederichs, S. J., K.D. Zimmer, B. R. Herwig, M. A. Hanson, J. R. Fieberg.  2010.  Total phosphorus and piscivore mass as drivers of food web characteristics in shallow lakes.Oikos 120:756-765.
  95. Fieberg, J., K.W. Shertzer, P. B. Conn, K. V. Noyce, and D. L. Garshelis.  2010.  Integrated population modeling of black bears in Minnesota:  implications for monitoring and management.  Plos One 5(8): e12114. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0012114.
  96. Fieberg, J., J. Matthiopoulos, M. Hebblewhite, M.S. Boyce, J. L. Frair.  2010.  Correlation and studies of habitat selection:  problem, red herring, or opportunity?  Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Series B 365:2233-2244.
  97. Frair, J. L., J. Fieberg, M. Hebblewhite, F. Cagnacci, N. DeCesare, and L Pedrotti.  2010.  Resolving issues of imprecise and habitat-biased locations in ecological analyses using GPS telemetry data.  Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Series B 365:2187-2200.
  98. Kie, J. G., Matthiopoulos, J., Fieberg, J., Mitchell, M.S., Powell, R. A., Cagnacci, F., Gaillard, J-M., and P. Moorcroft.  2010.  The home-range concept:  are traditional estimators still relevant with modern telemetry technology?  Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Series B 365:2221-2231.
  99. Lenarz, M. S., J. Fieberg, M. W. Schrage, and A. J. Edwards.  2010.  Living on the edge:  viability of moose in northeastern Minnesota.  Journal of Wildlife Management 74:1013-1023.
  100. Fieberg, J., Cornicelli, L. Fulton, D. C., and Grund, M. D.   2010.  Design and analysis of simple choice surveys for natural resource management.  Journal of Wildlife Management 74:871-879.
  101. Giudice, J. G., J. R. Fieberg, M. C. Zicus, D. P. Rave, and R. G. Wright.  2010.  Constructing cost and precision functions for aerial quadrat surveys:  a case of ring-necked ducks in Minnesota.  Journal of Wildlife Management 74:342–349.
  102. Dunton, E. M., J. Fieberg, and K. J. Haroldson. 2010. Living on the edge: diet selection and body condition of wild turkeys in Northern Minnesota. Proceedings of the 10th National Wild Turkey Symposium10:191-197.
  103. Fieberg, J., Rieger, R.H., Zicus, M. C., Schildcrout, J. S.  2009.  Regression modelling of correlated data in ecology: subject specific and population averaged response patterns. Journal of Applied Ecology 46:1018-1025.
  104. Hanson, M. A., S. E. Bowe, F. G. Ossman, J. Fieberg, M. G. Butler, and R. Koch.  2009.  Influences of adjacent forest harvest and environmental gradients on aquatic invertebrate communities of seasonal ponds in forested landscapes in Northern Minnesota.  Wetlands 29:884-895.
  105. Kochanny, C. O., G. D. DelGiudice, and J. Fieberg.  2009.  Comparing winter home ranges of white-tailed deer using GPS and VHF telemetry.  Journal of Wildlife Management73:779-787.
  106. Fieberg, J., and G. D. DelGiudice.  2009.  What time is it?  Choice of time origin and scale in extended proportional hazards models.  Ecology 90:1687-1697.
  107. Restani, M., R. O. Kimmel, J. Fieberg, and S. Goetz.  2009.  Effects of supplemental food and experience on winter survival of transplanted wild turkeys.  The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 121:366-377.
  108. Fieberg, J., D. W. Kuehn, and G. D. DelGiudice.  2008.  Understanding variations in autumn migration of northern white-tailed deer by long-term study.  Journal of Mammalogy89:1529-1539.
  109. Fieberg, J. and G. D. DelGiudice.  2008.  Exploring migration data using interval-censored time-to-event models.  Journal of Wildlife Management 72:1211-1219.
  110. Fieberg, J. and J. G. Giudice.  2008.  Variance of stratified survey estimators with probability of detection adjustments.  Journal of Wildlife Management 72:837-844.
  111. Barrett, M. A., S. Morano, G. D. DelGuidice, and J. Fieberg. 2008.  Does bait preference translate to capture success of northern white-tailed deer?  Journal of Wildlife Management 72:555-560.
  112. Zicus, M. C., D. P. Rave, J. R. Fieberg, J. H. Giudice, and R. G. Wright.  2008.  Distribution and abundance of Minnesota breeding ring-necked ducks.  Wildfowl 58:31-45.
  113. Maxson, S. J., J. R. Fieberg, and M. R. Riggs. 2008. Sandhill crane nest habitat selection and factors affecting nest success in northwestern Minnesota. Pages 90-97 in Folk, M. J. and Nesbitt, S. A.(eds), Proceedings of the Tenth International Crane Workshop, Feb. 7-10, 2006, Zacatecas City, Zacatecas, Mexico: North American Crane Working Group.  
  114. Fieberg, J.  2007.  Utilization distribution estimation with weighted kernel density estimators.  Journal of Wildlife Management 71:1669-1675.
  115. Fieberg, J.  2007.  Kernel density estimators of home range:  smoothing and the autocorrelation red herring.  Ecology 88:1059-1066.
  116. Maxson, S. J., J. R. Fieberg, and M. R. Riggs.  2007.  Black tern nest habitat selection and factors affecting nest success in Northwestern Minnesota.  Waterbirds 30:1-9.
  117. Fieberg, J. and D. F. Staples. 2006.  The role of variability and uncertainty in testing hypotheses involving parameters in stochastic demographic models.  Canadian Journal of Zoology 84:1698-1701.
  118. Zicus, M. C., D. P. Rave, and J. Fieberg.  2006.  Cost effectiveness of single- vs. double-cylinder over-water nest structures.  Wildlife Society Bulletin 34:647-655.
  119. DelGiudice, G.D., J. Fieberg, M. C-Powell, M.R. Riggs, and W. Pan.  2006.  A long-term age-specific survival analysis of female white-tailed deer.  Journal of Wildlife Management 70:1556-1568.
  120. Fieberg, J. and C. O. Kochanny.  2005.  Quantification of home range overlap:  the importance of the utilization distribution.  Journal of Wildlife Management 69:1346-1359.
  121. Fieberg, J. and K. Jenkins. 2005.  Assessing uncertainty in ecological systems using global sensitivity analysis:  a case example of simulated wolf reintroduction effects on elk. Ecological Modeling, 187:259-280.
  122. DelGiudice, G. D., B.A. Sampson, D.W. Kuehn, M. Cartensen, and J. Fieberg.  2005.  Understanding margins of safe capture, chemical immobilization, and handling of free-ranging white-tailed deer.  Wildlife Society Bulletin, 33:677-687.
  123. Fieberg, J.  2004.  Role of parameter uncertainty in assessing harvest strategies.  North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 24:459-474.
  124. Zicus, M.C., J. Fieberg and D. P. Rave.  2003.  Does mallard clutch size vary with landscape composition:  a different view.  Wilson Bulletin 114:409-413.
  125. Ellner, S.P. and J. Fieberg.  2003.  Using PVA for management in light of uncertainty:  effects of habitat, hatcheries, and harvest.  Ecology 84:1359-1369.
  126. Ellner, S.P., J. Fieberg, D. Ludwig, and C. Wilcox.  2002.  Precision of population viability analysis.  Conservation Biology, 16:258-261.
  127. Fieberg, J. and S. P. Ellner. 2001. Stochastic matrix models for conservation and management: a comparative review of methods. Ecology Letters, 4: 244-266.
  128. Fieberg, J. and S.P. Ellner.  2000.  When is it meaningful to estimate an extinction probability?  Ecology, 81:2040-2047.
  129. Sable M., J. Fieberg, L. Matrin, and L. Kupper. 1999.  Violence Victimization of Pregnant Prisoners: Comparison with Pregnant Health Department Patients.  Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 69:392-397.
  130. Kotch J., V. Dufort, P. Stewart, J. Fieberg, M. McMurray, S. Obrien, E. Ngui, and M. Brennan.  1997.  Injuries Among Children in Home and Out of Home Care.  Injury Prevention, 3:267-271.

Archived Data and R Code

Ferguson, Jake M; Jimenez, Laura; Keyes, Aislyn A; Hilding, Austen; McCartney, Michael A; St. Clair, Katie; Johnson, Douglas H; Fieberg, John R. (2023). R Code and Data Supporting: A comparison of survey method efficiency for estimating densities of Zebra Mussels (Dreissena polymorpha). Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota,

Fieberg, John; Signer, Johannes; Smith, Brian; Avgar, Tal. (2021). R Code and Output Supporting: A 'How-to' Guide for Interpreting Parameters in Habitat-Selection Analyses. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota,

Vitense, Kelsey; Hanson, Mark A; Herwig, Brian R; Zimmer, Kyle D; Fieberg, John R. (2021). Data and R code supporting "A hidden Markov model for ecosystems exhibiting alternative stable states". Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota,

Iannarilli, Fabiola; Erb, John; Arnold, Todd, W; Fieberg, John, R. (2020). Data, R Code, and Output Supporting: Evaluating species-specific responses to camera-trap survey designs. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota,

Fieberg, J. R, Vitense, K., and D.H. Johnson. (2020). R Code and Output Supporting: Resampling-Based Methods for Biologists. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota,

Ferguson, J M, Fieberg, J R, McCartney, M A., Blinick, .N S., Schroeder, L. 2019. Data and R code to support: Estimating densities of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) in early invasions using distance sampling. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota,

ArchMiller, Althea A; +Johnson, Andrew D.; Nolan, Jane; Edwards, Margaret; Elliot, Lisa H.; Ferguson, Jake M.; Iannarilli, Fabiola; Velez, Juliana; *Vitense, Kelsey; Johnson, Douglas H.; Fieberg, John R. (2019). R Code and Output Supporting: Computational reproducibility in The Wildlife Society's flagship journals. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota,

Iannarilli, Fabiola; Arnold, T W; Erb, J; Fieberg, J R. 2019. Data, R Code, and Output Supporting: Using lorelograms to measure and model correlation in binary data: Applications to ecological studies. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota,

Muff, S., Signer, J., Fieberg, J. 2019. R Code and Output Supporting "Accounting for individual-specific variation in habitat-selection studies: Efficient estimation of mixed-effects models using Bayesian or frequentist computation". Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota,

Vitense, K, M.A. Hanson, B.R. Herwig, K.D. Zimmer, and J. Fieberg. 2017. Data and R code supporting "Uncovering state-dependent relationships in shallow lakes using Bayesian latent variable regression". Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota,

Wolfson, D, W., Fieberg, J,  Andersen, D. 2019. Data and R Code Supporting: Juvenile Sandhill Cranes Exhibit Wider Ranging and More Exploratory Movements Than Adults During the Breeding Season. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota,

Vitense, K, Hanson, M A, Herwig, B R, Zimmer, K D, Fieberg, J. 2018. Data supporting "Predicting total phosphorus levels as indicators for shallow lake management". Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota,

Vitense, K, M.A. Hanson, B.R. Herwig, K.D. Zimmer, and J. Fieberg. 2017. Data and R code supporting "Uncovering state-dependent relationships in shallow lakes using Bayesian latent variable regression". Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota,

ArchMiller, A. A, J. Fieberg, R. Dorazio, and K. St. Clair. 2017. R code and output supporting: Time series sightability modeling of animal populations. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota,

Wolfson, D. W, J. R. Fieberg, J. Lawrence, T. Cooper, and D.E. Andersen. 2017. Data, R Code, and Output Supporting: Range Overlap between Mid-Continent and Eastern Sandhill Cranes revealed by GPS-tracking. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota,

Fieberg, J. R, L.D. Mech,, S. Barber-Meyer. 2017. Data, R Code, and Output Supporting "An Historical Overview and Update of Wolf-Moose Interactions in Northeastern Minnesota". Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota,

Fieberg, J R, J.D., Forester, G.M. Street, D.H. Johnson, A.A. ArchMiller, and J. Matthiopoulos. 2016. R Code and Output Supporting: Used-habitat calibration plots: A new procedure for validating species distribution, resource selection, and step-selection models. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota,

Fieberg, John R. (2015). R Code and Output Supporting: Do Capture and Survey Methods Influence Whether Marked Animals are Representative of Unmarked Animals? [dataset]. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota,

Fieberg, J. and D. Mech 2014. Growth Rates and Variances of Unexploited Wolf Populations in Dynamic Equilibria: Data, R Code and Supporting Results. University of Minnesota Digital Conservancy. Retrieved from

Fieberg, J. 2014. Home range overlap indices implemented using kernel density estimators with plug-in smoothing parameters and Program R. University of Minnesota Digital Conservancy. Retrieved from

Fieberg, J. 2014. Data from: A hidden Markov model to identify and adjust for selection bias: An example involving mixed migration strategies. Dryad Digital Repository. Provisional doi:10.5061/dryad.4430n.

Fieberg J, Alexander M, Tse S, St Clair K. 2013. Data from: Abundance estimation with sightability data:  a Bayesian data augmentation approach. Dryad Digital Repository. doi:10.5061/dryad.f8669